Category: Uncategorized

  • Inaction is one of life’s greatest thieves.

    For years I lived in regret. It took me a while to overcome the regret I had for not taking action on a lot of career related opportunities that came my way. There were tons of opportunities that I missed because of inaction. Opportunities in hind sight could have cost me millions. Thank God I’ve…

  • Best Advice I’ve Heard Recently

    “Honor your God given talent, and you will be successful” If you are like me, you’ve probably known or are vaguely aware of what your God given talent is but you’ve been running from it. You’ve hidden it, you are afraid to share it, you are scared of what your friends and family will think;…

  • Finding Purpose

    Many of us spend a significant portion of our lives in search of our purpose, that elusive sense of direction and meaning that gives substance to our actions and choices. It’s a journey that can often feel daunting, especially when we’re expected to have all the answers from the start. However, the truth is far…

  • Embracing Sacrifice

    In the journey of building a successful career or business, the road is often paved with sacrifice. Sacrifice is not just a word, but a commitment to enduring short-term discomfort for long-term gain. It’s about making tough choices, stepping out of your comfort zone, and staying focused on your goals, even when the path gets…

  • There is enough for everyone.

    The world teaches us to compete. In sports, only one team can be number 1, there is only one trophy available at the end of the tournament. But in the race of life; money and resources are not limited. We are often thought to think that way, but it’s quite the opposite. There is enough…

  • All gas no breaks

    As we’ve entered this new year, I am filled thoughts about all the things I’d love to accomplish this year. However instead of jumping right in, I am going to take the next few days to dial that in, sift through multiple opportunities and objectives to identify what really needs to be focused on this…

  • Become Obsessed

    I recently heard about a guy named Zach Pogrob who instead of focusing on goals, finds something he wants to improve in his life and becomes obsessed with it. While the word “obsessed” often comes across and something negative, I totally see this as an opportunity if one identifies something positive in their lives they…

  • Take a break from watching sports

    Addiction to sports I believe is a huge factor in holding people back from achieving their goals in life. The average American watches 5 hours of sports per week, that 20 hours per month! I think sports is the #1 time waste for people, especially males. It is critical part of people lives that I…

  • The cost of inaction

    The cost of inaction in our personal lives is not always immediately apparent, but its effects can be deeply profound. From missed opportunities, compromised health and well-being to strained relationships and deferred dreams, inaction can rob us of the life we truly desire. Reflecting recently I realized the cost of inaction can cost an individuals…

  • Whatever you focus on will expand

    Whatever you focus on will expand

    Have you ever noticed that when you start thinking about a specific topic or goal, it seems to take on a life of its own? Or nothing when you are interested in a car, you all the sudden start to see it everywhere. It is a reminder that the more you dwell things, the more…