Become Obsessed

I recently heard about a guy named Zach Pogrob who instead of focusing on goals, finds something he wants to improve in his life and becomes obsessed with it. While the word “obsessed” often comes across and something negative, I totally see this as an opportunity if one identifies something positive in their lives they want to be obsessed about.

One of the challenges of building anything or changing our lives is we are often distracted. It’s work, school, marriage, children, the randomness of life. I often hear over and over again the greatest creations in humanity were created by people whom are often described as “obsessed” with seeing their vision come to life.

So Zach’s thoughts really reside with me. And it should reside with you as well. Take time to figure out what you want in life. For us it is many things, but filter through and pick one, then dive in. Become obsessed with whatever you’ve challenged yourself with. This could be your health, spending more time with family and friends, learning something new or building your dream business. Pick something, select a duration (1 year, 3 months, etc) and go all in.



