What is your one thing

Our lives are filled with competing projects. Everything appears to be more important that the next important thing. If you are running multiple businesses or side hustles, it is possible one of them or all of them will make you rich or successful, so it is best to try to keep everything afloat, juggle it all. We are continually sold this lie to do many things, to say yes to every opportunity that “may work”. We have heard over millionaires and billionaires that own multiple businesses; therefore so can you!

That life is often overwhelming and progress continually stalled across multiple objectives until you are able to refocus your attention to it. In my twenties it was fun to be tackling multiple objectives, in my 40’s I’ve gained enough wisdom to see how detrimental it is to my health, family and overall career progress. Most millionaires, billionaires made their money in one industry, one business. To maintain their wealth they’ve diversified. I wish I learned that in my 20’s. I wish I wasn’t sold the lie.

It is important to seek your one thing; the thing that all my energy is poured into. Multitasking in our fasted paced world is often celebrated as a valuable skill, however spreading yourself to thin across multiple objectives, opportunities, businesses, industries dilutes your energy and attention, making it difficult to crush it in any one area. Singularity is critical, chase one north star, gain expertise and achieve remarkable results.



